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Check back regularly for updates

Sunday Services - (Every Sunday)  @ 10 AM

Special Service -   Good Friday  4/15/22 7:00 PM

9/29/20 - (Some details are still being worked out so subject to change, keep coming back this week for the latest)

From our Senior Warden James Clavin 

Here is the schedule for October. Yeah, we are back in business. Let’s spread the word about our first mass.

Subject: Schedule and Service Format

We have been told to keep the service shorter that usual and to that end:..

No singing of hymns or parts of the service. Preludes, Postludes and such incidental music as the Organist deems appropriate are permitted.

No Old Testament Lesson, just the Epistle and Gospel-Since there is no singing, the shortest of the two psalm selections appointed for the day will be said between the Epistle and Gospel

The Gospel Book to be placed beforehand in the Pulpit

Sermons will kept brief

Prayers of the People-Form III-the shortest

Confession and Absolution will be included

Eucharistic Prayer A

Frs. Ackerson and Schnabel will bring their own Albs and their own Stoles, and will not  don the Chasuble. Please check with Fr. Frederic as to his preference in the matter

Communion-A person appointed should stand by the first pew giving hand sanitizer to those coming forward to receive Holy Communion,  which will be given, Bread Only, by being dropped into the recipient's hand, Masks to remain for the entire service  except when actually to  place the Host into one's mouth

For both Communion Stations(line up) or Altar Rail the six feet minimum distancing will be observed

Sanitizers placed strategically at the entrance of the Church and around the nave, in the place where the Epistle is read and at the Altar

If there is a Service Leaflet, they should be spread out as widely as possible and hand sanitizers placed near them

We do not feel the need for LEMS or Acolytes; the Celebrant will prepare the Altar at the Offertory. This will enhance social distancing

The Peace will be exchanged not physically but by bowing to and by those nearest each other

Greetings at the end of the service are at the discretion of the Celebrant but with no physical contact and with social distancing observed

No Coffee Hour

I know that this sounds onerous but it is important that we observe every precaution for the health and safety of all involved.

If you have any questions of a general nature please ask me. If there are questions about a specific Sunday please address them to your Priest of the day


Faithfully in our Lord Jesus Christ

Fr. Schnabel 


8/24/20 - No additional updates from the Diocese. The next update to this site will be made as soon as we get direction from the Diocese. 

8/7/20 - The Vestry has been in constant communication during this pandemic, but we are still waiting on word from the Bishop and the Diocese  as to when we can reopen.  As of today, that is still in (To Be Determined) mode.

5/25/20 - To ensure the comfort and safety of our congregation, the following state guidelines will be followed as we look to open up St. Patrick's as soon as we are allowed. Click on each link for details.

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